Tuesday, April 27, 2010

''just to be sure''

Hi every one, me hear again, owen that is, i just want to do one more blog, just to be on the safe side. i think this is forty five completed now. the thing is, what do i talk about to ye, while im writting the blog, that, i have no idea, let me think for a moment, eh,h,h,h,H, nope, i can not think of a thing to say. any way its summer time again and were all smiling, especially after such depressing long winter. The sun is shinning and every one is happy, but then again we are all shiny happy people.

4th place!

Hello everyone as you know all I ever blog about is football and Aston Villa in particular. If you have no interest in football your probably growing tired of the same topic week in week out... unfortunately this week is no different! The race for 4th place is really hotting up Aston Villa have secured 13 points from their last available 15 to put themselves back in contention for the coveted champions league spot. After an epic derby win via a James Milner penalty on Sunday spirits are high among players and fans alike. Villa play Man city at Eastlands on Saturday in possibly their biggest game of the season(excluding the Cup Final of course). I am praying to God that they get a result on Saturday purely to keep the dream alive until the last game of the season. Blackburn come to Villa park on the last day and i will be sat there in the Holte end cheering my beloved Villa on like a lunatic (thanks for the trip in advance Dad!!). I can honestly say that me going to that match is the best news i can think of!!:)
Hi all,
With only one week of college left there is plenty for me to be happy about. I got my scriptwriting treatment handed in early so that's one less deadline to be worrying about thank god. I've got a lot to look forward to this week, class party on Thursday (gonna be epic!!), house party on Friday and of course the possibility of going to Clane on Saturday for a session! After all that there's not a hope of me going out on Sunday for the bank holiday because I'll be broke but it's money well spent if you ask me.
Not to forget of course that after this weekend my name could be written in the TG4 history books! Kris assures me that his new short film as gaeilge will bring us all fame and fortune when it hits the small screen so that's certainly something to look forward to haha.
Finally readers this may or may not be my last blog. It all depends on whether or not United win the premiership so don't hold your breath! If I don't talk to you again have a good Summer and keep smiling.

A Hard Days Night... Shakesphere style.

I found this video on youtube a while back. Its one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It may not be news as such but if it doesnt put a smile on your face then your just weird. Peter Sellers is a legend. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLEMncv140s

Have a good summer folks

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Bankjob

Hey folks.
Well the Bankjob is finally finished after 4 months or so of work we're done. Its up on youtube and is gettin some positive feed back. Heres a link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFgvKe87k9Q Please note that this is not the official cut of the film. It was put together by my 1st AD and I must say its pretty damn good. I hope to have the directors cut finished tomorrow and uploaded. Take a gander at it and see what you think.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Train--Hey, Soul Sister (w/ Lyrics)

No matter how far life gets you down this song is guarenteed to cheer you up. Possibly the shiniest and happiest song ever!

Keep smiling, Eddie :)

The Premier League

It's well and truly at the business end of the season and it is going to go right to the wire. This seasons Premier League has been full of goals injuries and controversy and in my opinion the best is yet to come. Never in a season has there been so many upsets for the first time in years the gap between the top four and the rest of the league has been minimal the big clubs haven't dominated in the manner in which they usually do. Still at this late stage the title race is wide open, I think last week Arsenals' title challenge finally faded but it is a great thing for the game that it was a three horse race for so long. The race for the fourth champions league position is still hanging in the balance, it kills me to say it but my beloved Villa have fallen away yet again and in my opinion its between Man City and Tottenham for the fourth place. At the other end of the table Portsmouth have already been relegated but there are four or five teams still vying for safety. This weekend of football will have a big say in the outcome of the league with Tottenham playing Man utd in the early game on Saturday. As for Aston Villa well its not impossible for them to gain that fourth place it is a funny old game aftre all!!

2Man Utd353576
5Man City343462
7Aston Villa343458
11Stoke City343443
15Wigan Athletic353535
17West Ham Utd353531
18Hull City343428

World Cup 2010

Despite the fact that our beloved Ireland failed to make it to the World Cup (were robbed by a dirty Frenchman) I am still very excited about it. The World Cup is the biggest event in world sports and the excitement that surrounds the event is like no other. This years tournament is the first to be held on African soil and I'm sure the enthusiastic African culture will make this World Cup one of the best ever. Due to the fact that Ireland aren't competing this year may take from the excitement of the Irish public. However I have the solution and it is a simple one...gamble!

The advert for sky betting really sums it up "it matters more when there is money on it". Never a truer word spoken. Myself and a group of my friends have set up a bet amongst ourselves, we drew teams from a hat at €50 a man. I pulled out Italy and USA, I have to say I feel a little unlucky but saying that you can never write off the Italians. So the other day I went out and bought an Italy jersey obviously it doesn't compare to the pride of watching the boys in green but it is definitely the next best thing!!

Nearly there

Hi every one, Owen hear again, im nearly there, just two hundred and forty nine more questions to answer on this weeks science exam, im nearly there and quest what? just two weeks to go till summer Holidays. i cant wait and no wonder im smiling, im spending the rest of the summer in one of the hottest countries in the world''Scotland''. what a holiday. im about to sign off for the rest of the summer, but before i go, i just want to tell you a happy joke. ''did you hear the one about the Kerry man who was ironing his shirt, he burnt his chest. HA, Ha, ha...

see ye all next year muckbirds.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bellagio Fountains

OK folk's it's my last blog of the year so I thought I'd leave ye with this. It's a video clip a picked up on my travels of the fountains outside the Bellagio, Las Vegas. It never fails to put a smile on my face. Check it out and over the summer remember to shine on and be happy!!!!


Friday, April 16, 2010

olive moving again!!

hello everyone, my shiny happy news this week is i am moving house, now for the purpose of this blog only,ive have decided to turn all my negatives into positives on moving,its quiet an excercise in its self , kinda like anger managment but probably worse,cause at least those victims want help and i dont. A little re-cap, im moving the week before my summer exams,no stress!!! this is my day from now until were moved, my husband packs as i follow him re-packing properly what he called packed,then he follows me around on my bining mission, as he un bins the stuff i ve already bined so really everthings fine!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hi everyone, i just wanted to say hi again and what a beautiful day it is. its great to be alive and well. just another three weeks to go to the summer holidays, i cant wait for that. four and a half months off or there abouts, ya can see why im smiling and happy and there is another reason im jumping for joy, its the science project im workin on at the moment, theres only five hundred and twenty more questions to do and its so easy. this is even more enjoyable than playing the Fifa on the playstation 3, look im going to go as i have so much still to do, exams and stuff. i will see you soon, until next time.


Here we have an aluminium body off a lorry which became wedged between a bridge on the new M9 motorway heading towards Dublin. It was a bit of an unusual sight to pass on my usuall trip down to college which resulted in me turning around in order to get a picture. A guard on site said that it was most likely the driver who accidently pressed the button to raise the container resulting in it getting lodged. And wheres the good news you ask? Well, with cars allowed to travel at 120km an hour on the road, it was pure luck that there was none travelling behind the lorry as there would have definately been casualties. So thats something to be happy about and with the weather as it is theres no reason why no one shoudn't be smiling.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Here comes the Sun

Howya folks Easters is over and we're now all back to the daily grind. But dont let it get you down. Its only four more weeks til exams are over and hopefully the sun will keep on shining through the summer :)
Have a good one