Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hi all,
With only one week of college left there is plenty for me to be happy about. I got my scriptwriting treatment handed in early so that's one less deadline to be worrying about thank god. I've got a lot to look forward to this week, class party on Thursday (gonna be epic!!), house party on Friday and of course the possibility of going to Clane on Saturday for a session! After all that there's not a hope of me going out on Sunday for the bank holiday because I'll be broke but it's money well spent if you ask me.
Not to forget of course that after this weekend my name could be written in the TG4 history books! Kris assures me that his new short film as gaeilge will bring us all fame and fortune when it hits the small screen so that's certainly something to look forward to haha.
Finally readers this may or may not be my last blog. It all depends on whether or not United win the premiership so don't hold your breath! If I don't talk to you again have a good Summer and keep smiling.

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