Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy with a Sore Head

Oh, hi every one, is it that time of the week again, the last time i was talking to ye all, i was very drunk and i called all of ye people, scumbags, i am so sorry and i wont do that again. anyway i was out last night drinkin with my granny, she is 97 years old and we went to the pub after the ireland match for one or two, and guess what? she drank me under the table by the end of the night. i had seven points of budweizser and a glass of coke, she had twelve points of guiness, four vodkas and cokes and three bottles of whiskey without the lemonade. i just want to say as a shiny happy person im so delighted to have celebrated with my granny, i'd say she has a sore head by now, oh wait, there she is - coming up the back lane on the skate board, oh man, im off, see ye all next week Scumbags.

1 comment:

  1. shes my granny to the last time i went out with her she floored me at 14 brandys olive
