Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hi there everbody, its Owen Callaghan hear, in case you dont no who i am. im one of the shiny happy people. i have some of the best news your goin to hear this week. listen to this, a week and a half ago i was introduced to BLOGSPOT. i was so angry all feckin week long cause i could not work the damn thing, that was until today. i finally cracked it and now i am in the pub getting slushed out of me tree. im goin to have a feckin sore head in the morning. who knows i might not even come in, it depends on how me celebrations tonight goes. well thats my good news for the day, or should i say night, until sunday comes, may ye all have a miserable week. over and out scum bags.

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday owen, im sorry i forgot and im youre sister il make it up to you by letting you talk in class this week instead of me bye!
