Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The only good news I can think of this week is that there is only 3 more day until the Easter holidays. That means two weeks of lie-ins, no assignments and no classes! Now that I have the scriptwrirng assignment handed in I can relax for the rest of the week, happy days!
Enjoy the hols people.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Man who? Man U

Hi there Muckbirds, it's me again, Owen and i have some great news to tell you, Man United won Liverpool yesterday in a trilling football match and what a game it was. it was a fantastic result and the blue bottles Chelsea only drew with Blackburn. United go top and four points ahead of Chelsea and two points a head of Arsenal who are in second place. its going to be a great final veiw weeks left in the premiership. so hold onto yer chickens gals, oh crap, i left the Kitten in the oven ten minutes ago, hey listen folks i better go, see ye all next sunday, cheers.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Let the sun shine down!

Hi all, the recent good weather has lifted everyones spirits and has certainly made us all shiny happy people! It's a welcome change from the miserable weather we are used to having this time of year. So heres to a long hot summer (God I love BBQs), or at least let the sun keep shining until we've got 'The Bank Job' in the bag.

If your ever feeling down, think of this man. Despite his appearance, he's still smiling!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ireland win

Hi every one, its me again, owen hear, its been a great weekend unlike last week, as you all know, ireland won in the ruby yesterday against wales. that was great to see, and even better news, im just coming from the pub and Man Utd won Fulham 3 nil. wow what a weekend of sports, i would love to stay and talk, but i cant, why-because i have a huge science project to do now, and i cant wait, im so excited i just want to scream with pure excitement, yippeeeeeeeeee... c ye all next week all ye shiny happy people.

Tats Life

Hi everyone,
I've been falling behind in my posts so I'm sorry. But sure when we fall of that horse (or wagon) we show our true character by getting back up again. So... happy. Umm well I got a tattoo yesterday and its awesome. I'd post a pic but my camera is regretably not working. I saw a great band last Friday aswell by the way. Mediocre they are called. Brilliant stuff. I start shooting for my short film on Tuesday. I am praying for good weather. Oh and Its Paddys day on Wedensday so I will probably forget to post again. Sorry... But life goes on and if me not posting again is the worst thing that happens then we have nothing to worry about.

Good Luck to y'all


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oxygen 2010

Oxygen tickets went on sale yesterday and this truly is great news. Personally I never really saw the attraction of Oxygen, to me the thought of camping in a dirty field without a shower for four days wasn't all that appealing. For years all I've heard from everyone is how great oxygen is and how much I would love it. I always remained sceptical. But this is a new decade, it's the summer of 2010 I'm a college student I'll be 18 and it has to be said that this years line up is fantastic.So despite all my past protests I have made up my mind, I am going to Oxygen and I am excited about it. Well if you can't beat them, join them!

Here is a list of some of the great artists who are confirmed for this summers festival.


P.S. I would like to wish my Mammy a happy Mothers Day!:)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday - im in Love, Owen

Hi there everyone, its me again - Owen, yep thats right - Owen. i have been waititng all week for this moment. its been a roler coaster of a week with college projects and i was so busy that i forgot to put up my blog for last sunday, so sorry to all ye happy people out there, any way im here now. i am so clad its friday, why? because its the weekend and im in love, well not really, im just happy thats all, any way - what i wanted to say was im taking a break from college work for the night and hear comes the playstation, jumping with joy, why? cause im so happy. im going to go now every one, but if ireland win against wales tomorrow, i might even put up another blog for the fun of it, if thats o.k. c u soon.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

folks,olives student hall of fame is getting very competative

Hey everyone Heres a photo of dawn and BROOKVALE SNOWY RIVER (Schmicheal for short!)they recently qualified for the Royal International horse show and will also be going on to the horse of the year show in October.He has won and been champion in the RDS numerous times.dawn competes side-saddle and dressage ,He is the leading show pony in Ireland.

the shiny happy people colabaration

warren,olive and owen!!!

Shiny Happy Gamer

The long awaited release of Final Fantasy xiii is here. After four years since the release of Final Fantasy xii, and four years since the first trailer revealing the setting for Final Fantasy xiii, its has finaly landed on our shores today. And just like this happy person, there are thousands celebrating this much anticipated title. I myself was one of these people and i can't wait to get out of college to go home and play it! Roll on 5 o' clock and il be joining the huge population of shiny happy people today. :D


The Hitman

As a wrestling fan all my life I couldn't be more excited about this years Wrestlemania. One match inparticular has the WWE universe in a frenzy, over 12 years has passed but finally my child hood hero Bret "the hitman" Hart will wrestle in the WWE one last time. As I'm sure most of you remember the "Montreal screwjob" at Survivor Series 1997, when Vince McMahon screwed Bret out of the title. Bret was outraged and he spit at Vince and vowed not to wrestle for the WWE again. About a month ago Bret Hart returned to Monday night RAW to say goodbye and make piece with old enemies. Mr. McMahon betrayed Bret once again by kicking and humiliating him. Bret was also injured in a "mysterious car accident2 in the car park in which he broke his leg. But Bret being the courageous fighter that he is still accepted a fight at wrestlemania against Vince. Will Bret be able to overcome his injuries and extract revenge on the cunning Chairman. Bret has 20 days in which to recover for the fight he has wanted for 12 years now. Regardless of whether he wins or not he will always have a place in the heart of the WWE fan and besides if anyone could win this it's the hitman. "the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Chape Whiskey Alert!!

Good news everyone! Aldi have decided to make it a little easier on us in these recession times. They have brought out a whiskey that tastes very similar to my old friend Jim Beam but at half the price. So at 15 euro a bottle I can safely say I'll be doing a lot more booze shopping in Aldi. Let the chape booze revolution continue! Go for forth armed with this knowledge, get hammered, be happy and for Gods sake shine on!!!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

olives student hall of fame

This weeks student hall of fame award should have been handed out way back in september 2009, to the most loyal and committed stundent BEN, THE REASON WHY very simple bens class attendance has been spectacular, unmarked until recently that is, yes that bad word rag week, or should i say under the influence of alcohol, and the demonic pressure from unamed class mates, ben has missed one day in total well done ben keep shaming the rest of us we deserve it!!

A Hard Days Night

Hey everyone,
Found out yesterday that filming for the first film I'm directing will begin on the 16th of March. So if you see some guys dressed as the Beatles running around Carlow then walk in the other direction because I have enough problems to deal with without a bunch of curious little wankers getting in the way.


Wayne Rooney continued his blinding form yesterday by firing Manchester United to Carling Cup glory once again. As I am a United fan myself this is great news! Rooney is having the season of his life. He seems to be scoring in every game and this leads me to ask, who is the best striker in the world. I've narrowed it down to Rooney, Drogba and Torres. All three are in exceptional form for their clubs and are almost single -handedly winning games for them.

2009 was a great year for Torres. Everything he touched turned to goals but similarly to liverpool this season he is slipping out of the limelight.

Drogba has been firing in the goals all season for Chelsea and has been a great attribute for the club since joining them in 2004. If Chelsea win the premier league this year which God forbid they won't, it will no doubt be because of the efforts of Didier Drogba. He was badly missed while he was at the African Cup of Nations but since his return he has been keeping Chelsea at the summit of the league.

Since Christiano Ronaldo's departure from old trafford in the summer, heads turned to Rooney to score the goals. Personally I didn't think he could do it but he has proved me wrong, thankfully! He is currently the Premiership's leading scorer and this season so far has possibly been better than Torres' incredible season last year.

Obviously, as a United surporter, I'm picking Rooney but i'll leave it up to you to decide.

Keep on shining, Eddie


My good news of the day is my heart has finally healed following the devestation of Villa's defeat in the Carling Cup Final on Sunday. Aston Villa can consider themselves extremely unlucky to walk away empty handed and a great deal of blame can be put on the referee for this. Nemanja Vidic blatantly hacked down Gabby Agbonlahor in the penalty area, the referee gave the penalty but failed to produce a redv card despite the fact that Vidic was the last man and Agbonlahor was clean through on goal. Personally I am starting to lose faith in the beautiful game. In less than six months my Country were unjustly knocked out of the World Cup thanks to poor refereeing and the hand of a Frenchman and now my beloved Aston Villa find themselves on the end of yet another disgraceful decision by the man in black. I have always been opposed to the introduction technology into the game, I was of the opinion that it would take away from the magic and the unpredictability of the game. However enough is enough something must be done to eliminate these kind of incidents from the game. I'm not entirely sure that a 3rd eye is the answer, maybe some younger, better trained referees would bring an end to the madness. All I am sure of is that the head men at FIFA need to do something before it is too late. Okay maybe I'm not over the heartbreak just yet!!

Owen Carling Cup Hero's

Hi every one, Im back once again. i just wanted to say sorry that i missed my paragraph on Sunday. You see i was in the pub once more and i was so happy that my Favourite team won the Carling cup, there known as the red devils, or more commonly known as Manchester United. so i had a reason to stay and celebrate the win with some friends. its good to celebrate, cause i am a Shiny happy person.

Down 5%

Ok so i just found out i have a project due for tomorrow worth 5%, and I havent started! So where's the good news you ask? Well, I just realised that I should start going into that class more so it was a bit of i wake up call.. Thats good news, I suppose!
