Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Hitman

As a wrestling fan all my life I couldn't be more excited about this years Wrestlemania. One match inparticular has the WWE universe in a frenzy, over 12 years has passed but finally my child hood hero Bret "the hitman" Hart will wrestle in the WWE one last time. As I'm sure most of you remember the "Montreal screwjob" at Survivor Series 1997, when Vince McMahon screwed Bret out of the title. Bret was outraged and he spit at Vince and vowed not to wrestle for the WWE again. About a month ago Bret Hart returned to Monday night RAW to say goodbye and make piece with old enemies. Mr. McMahon betrayed Bret once again by kicking and humiliating him. Bret was also injured in a "mysterious car accident2 in the car park in which he broke his leg. But Bret being the courageous fighter that he is still accepted a fight at wrestlemania against Vince. Will Bret be able to overcome his injuries and extract revenge on the cunning Chairman. Bret has 20 days in which to recover for the fight he has wanted for 12 years now. Regardless of whether he wins or not he will always have a place in the heart of the WWE fan and besides if anyone could win this it's the hitman. "the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be"

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