Tuesday, March 2, 2010


My good news of the day is my heart has finally healed following the devestation of Villa's defeat in the Carling Cup Final on Sunday. Aston Villa can consider themselves extremely unlucky to walk away empty handed and a great deal of blame can be put on the referee for this. Nemanja Vidic blatantly hacked down Gabby Agbonlahor in the penalty area, the referee gave the penalty but failed to produce a redv card despite the fact that Vidic was the last man and Agbonlahor was clean through on goal. Personally I am starting to lose faith in the beautiful game. In less than six months my Country were unjustly knocked out of the World Cup thanks to poor refereeing and the hand of a Frenchman and now my beloved Aston Villa find themselves on the end of yet another disgraceful decision by the man in black. I have always been opposed to the introduction technology into the game, I was of the opinion that it would take away from the magic and the unpredictability of the game. However enough is enough something must be done to eliminate these kind of incidents from the game. I'm not entirely sure that a 3rd eye is the answer, maybe some younger, better trained referees would bring an end to the madness. All I am sure of is that the head men at FIFA need to do something before it is too late. Okay maybe I'm not over the heartbreak just yet!!

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